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Prayer for Group Coherence


This Indian prayer (mantram) is meant to enhance the coherence of the groups of good will. The mantram should be practised together with a cassette or CD. You can listen / download here the song as mp3-file.




Saha Vîryam Karavâvahai
Tejaswi Nâva Dhita Mastu
Mâ Vidvishâvahai
Om Sânti Sânti Sântihi

May we be protected together.
May we share and enjoy together.
May we work efficiently together.
Let there be no hindrances
to our enlightenment.
Let not malice prevail.
Let peace be in all the three planes.



This is a "Teacher-student" invocation for the mutual benefit, blessing and growth. The benediction is uttered to ensure togetherness in the Path of Light. The unique feature is that "may not malice prevail between us."

The Teacher is the Enlightened One. The student is the seeker of such enlightenment. To grow in Light is declared as their mutual purpose. For that single purpose, they work together.

The work is defined as the work of goodwill, of service, of welfare to life. Such work gives joy. When the two thus work in Light and for Life, when malice prevails not and peace exists, protection of them is ensured.

Such is the noble invocation, recommended to be uttered by the Goodwill groups, relating to themselves and to their Teacher.

From: Mantrams - Their Significance & Practice, by Dr K. Parvathi Kumar. The World Teacher Trust – Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India (



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