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Book Presentation

Sun – That I Am

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar



When we think of Sun we need to think of the very consciousness, which is the basis of our solar system. Each one of us is but a unit of consciousness. Each one of us is a micro Sun. The other name for this consciousness is ‘I Am’. When we speak of Sun we speak of I Am consciousness. In other words we are speaking of ourselves. The self in you and in me is no different from the self of the Solar Angel. It is but the same consciousness manifested in different dimensions and magnitudes. The essence of the Sun and us is but one and the same. We are no different from our Sun.

This book is but a humble effort to reorient the seekers to the very foundation of the system which is human and solar.

Dhanishta Foundation, Visakhapatnam, India 2015.




Chapter 1: Orientation to Sun God

Believers all around the globe worship God through many names and many forms.
There are multitudes of names and forms attributed to that energy called God. In recent times, there are many religions, cults and sects that throw out thousands of concepts to benefit the seeker to find the Truth, whose other name is the God. All these practices are secondary practices. While concepts help, they also cause the related blindness.

A concept hides the very truth which it intends explaining and revealing. There are too many theologies, ideologies, schools of thought the aspirants keep toying with like kids. What is obvious, visible and clear is clouded by mystical concepts which make Truth seeking much more complicated than what it is. In the plethora of concepts, the seeker drowns himself. Consequently he denies a simple clean vision. He gets shrouded by his own thoughts of grey mysticism.

Many of the seekers in their hunt for the mystical Truth overlook the Truth itself. How many seekers really orient to the Sun God, the deity of the sky, and contemplate upon the mystery relating to him always remains a question. When there is a visible God in the firmament, a visible Truth, why should the seekers substitute that with lesser truth, lesser concepts and lesser forms of God?

Seekers contemplate on colours, chant mantras and meditate upon symbols, while there is the daily presence of the symbol, the colour and the form of God available in the sky namely the Sun God.

Sun presents himself as a circle, with colours such as brilliant white, golden yellow, orange, etc., relative to Earth. He is the very basis of life. He is the foundation for the solar system. In us too, he is the foundation as I Am. Worshipping the Sun can be traced through the entire recorded history of humans. Sun worship was picked up to regain the lost brilliance of consciousness. Sun worship was also found to be helpful in gaining vitality of life and to hold vibrant life – a life that resists disease, decay and death. Worship of Sun and stars was gradually replaced by worship of forms and other symbols. Behind all forms of worship, the solar energy stands out as the background.

There are today fewer temples of Sun while there are many relating to others. The worshippers on the planet have digressed from the bull’s eye and are on the circles around it, which do not hit the Truth. The central theme among the esoteric writings has always been the practices relating to the realization of the Sun energy in oneself and in one’s surroundings.


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