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Book Presentation

"Overseas Messages Vol. 1"

by Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya


Buch des Monats

Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya (Master E.K.) toured the European countries seven times during the period 1972 to 1983. He gave lectures at various places at the request of the groups. Twenty-five such lectures are published together into a volume styled as "Overseas Messages". Master E.K.'s teachings continue to inspire even years after his departure from the physical.

Content: Astrology and its purpose; Astrology and Healing; Veda and its Symbols; The Teachings of the World Teacher; Incidents about the World Teacher; Yoga in daily life; Eastern and Western way of thinking; Scientific thought and Eastern system; Homoeopathy and Spiritualism; The Masters of Wisdom; The Masters of Wisdom; Yoga and Spiritual Healing; Initiation; Yoga of Patanjali; Health, Hope and Positive thinking; Co-operation between the human and the Deva Kingdom; Power of thought Reincarnation; The Future of Humanity and the Role of the United Nations; Healing Homoeopathy and Ayurveda; Pythagoras; Kriya Yoga; Gayatri - The Song of Light; What is Service and the meaning of Sacrifice; Man - The Triple.

Kulapati Book Trust Visakhapatnam, India, 2003.



Initiation. Lecture delivered at Geneva on 11-11-1976 (extract)

The most important subject to be properly understood in spiritual life is what is rightly called initiation. The importance of knowing the real meaning of the word "initiation" can be understood by the fact that Master Djwhal Khul has dictated a separate book on that single subject. If you go deep into the sacred Tantric literature of the ancients, every book devotes a separate chapter on the topic of initiation. For thousands of years there have been big, splendorous, ceremonious books which explain initiation. Even today in the pious and secret order of rituals - some of you know that the ceremony of initiating a candidate into the order is more important than the ordinary rituals. Therefore we can at first suspect a great significance and a grand meaning behind the word "initiation".

People say that there are many tests which the person has to undergo before he is initiated. To me, it appears that the real test lies in rightly understanding the word "initiation". I say it is a real test because many people use the word most inaccurately and they have made the term so cheap and used m hundreds of different occasions. It is really the first test to stand all these meanings and find out the real meaning and significance of the word. We can really take it as the first obstacle or test before we approach the initiation. In many nations initiation means a ceremony made on a particular day for a specific purpose. In India also an auspicious day is selected by an orthodox priest, most probably on the solar eclipse or lunar eclipse. The person who initiates and the person who is initiated go to a sacred river. A few minutes before the eclipse begins they take a holy dip. Exactly at the starting point of eclipse the person gives a holy word to the student, in great secrecy so that other people may not know it at all and the person who has received it sits on the banks of the river and makes a recital of the holy word until the eclipse is over. Of course, there is much truth in what they do but unless they are conscious of what initiation is, the formality of ceremony remains and the purport is missing. But the word initiation means a beginning. It is not an incident but it is a beginning.

For example, the birth of a human being can be taken as a simile to initiation, because the birth signifies not only an incident but also a beginning to a career. Because the child gets from the moment of its birth the physical and mental unfoldment through age and then develops in a natural and healthy way. Immediately the child knows how to take food and breathe without anyone suggesting to it. And within a few hours it will learn how to smile and to weep. What is the miracle that has initiated the child into the regular way of breathing and who is it that taught the child to take food and taste it with its tongue? Who has informed it that it can weep and that it can smile? Wherefrom does it learn these lessons? Is there a hall or a class-room where these things are taught? We have to accept that there is a source wherefrom the child gets all the information. If we call this source a hall, we should remember that this is not a physical hall of a physical building but it is a wonderful hall which is located within him and around himself and the hall that contains real wisdom. If wisdom were to be completely available, the hall must include the whole creation with all the solar systems -it is in this sense that the Masters use the word 'The Hall of Wisdom." But whenever the Masters use the word "The Hall of Wisdom" in the context of initiation, while reading the book many people will misunderstand that there is a hall and a building separately for initiation. Now we can understand in what sense we can compare the whole creation with the hall. Of course, to speak about this and to make the preparation such a hall is necessary, no doubt, but the real ceremony of initiation does not take place in any hall of a building. lt makes us awaken, into the hall of creation just as the physical birth gives us an awakening into the world around us. Just calmly think of the moment when we are born, then you will understand the principles of initiation.

What happens at the time of physical birth? It is the same thing that happens when we are waking from sleep. Even while we were sleeping everything was there - the world around us was as undisturbed as it was, our physical body was there undisturbed as it was and everyone of the forces - astral, etheric, mental, buddhic in us, they are all at work in us. The Devas of the cells of our body and the chemicals of the cells, the intelligences which preserve the properties of matter and the properties of force, they are all at work keeping our body intact even while we are sleeping and then we have the awakening from sleep when all the intelligences in our body are not sleeping and are at work throughout the night. Who is it that is sleeping and who is it that is awakened? It is the miracle of the totality of all the Devas.

One fundamental principle that is to be understood before we go into the subject of initiation is - when two people meet and when they are talking, there will be a third person present always, that is a combination of the two persons. When three persons are talking, there is a fourth person in them who is the combined consciousness of the three. When there are hundred persons gathered in a place, each of them having an impression of all the ninety-nine the total makes 100 units whom we call persons. But there is only one person who is called the hundred and first person and he keeps awake as long as the 100 persons are together. When these 100 persons disperse into their separate houses, there is the disintegration of the total body of the hundred and first person and that is what we call the death of that person in the physical sense. Same thing happens when we are born and when we are dead. Millions and millions of intelligences gather together in the form of our vehicles and millions and one person is awakened as the person who is born, and when the physical body is dropped off at the time of death, all the millions of intelligences will return to their original places, the water element in our body goes into the water of the earth, the minerals of our body go to the minerals, the gases in our body merge with the gases, the voice in us returns to the sound principle in space. The mind in us returns to the mind principle in space and then there is the death of the million and one person. In fact he is also not dead but he is temporarily dead because he is passing through a series of experiences through thousands of years and from the time he began his career first as a monad till the highest stage of liberation which we can conceive in our mind, the million and one person is always existing - going into death whenever a body is dropped off and awakened, whenever a body is assembled and having a continuity of existence as a unit of the totality of the whole creation. This unit is called monad in English which can never be destroyed by any process and which forms a part of the total. In Sanskrit it is called Jeeva and there are millions and millions of Jeevas that are filling this creation.

Another wonder about death and birth before we understand in a proper way what initiation is, all the millions and millions of intelligences that are forming our vehicles are also the same types of monads, they are also millions and millions of Jeevas or sparks of monads but they are assembling together to form the bodies whereas one of them is living inside as the monad. This is because of the seniority of that one when compared to the other one. For example ten thousand monads have started their existence thousands of years ago, another ten thousand monads started their existence a thousand years ago, the monads that started just a thousand years ago require altogether a different type of training on this earth from the type of training that is required for the senior-most monads. There is no use of giving the same training to the monads who are younger and older and if nature were to arrange classes for various standards for various monads, it has to open millions and millions of separate schools and it is only a poor way in economics. But nature is full of wonderful economics to have one hall of wisdom to all the stages of monads and nature is wonderfully intelligent in making the senior monad as the teacher to the junior monad. Each group of monads has its juniors as its students and they have their seniors as their teachers. The result is that the whole hall of wisdom is full of teachers and disciples and there is no necessity of appointing teachers from outside or inviting students from outside. It is a wonderful economics which we can ponder over for thousands of years with wonder.

Now you can roughly understand the structure of the constitution. The one monad who has attained the seniority of a soul becomes a professor in a body and the body itself becomes a little hall of wisdom and millions and millions of monads who are little children are assembled in the school and they are entrusted to the soul monad. The soul gets the training in the way in which it treats its junior monads. These monads are filling the cells of our body and they change their batches very soon because they have to learn many things in many classrooms. So when we eat our food today, millions of new monads come into us through the cells and atoms of the food we eat, when we drink water, millions of monads come as water in the form of young couples - hydrogen and oxygen forming a couple, forming a little drop of water to study in the hall of wisdom which is our body. Everyday after a contact with us is complete, they are returned to their houses and the next day they will be sent to a different school. Just keep this whole process in your mind before you enter into the real meaning of the word Initiation.


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